The Health Benefits of Olive Oil and Why You Should Add It to Your Diet

For instance, olive oil, a staple food in the Mediterranean region, has received considerable attention in literature not only for its taste but also the therapeutic properties. Pressed from the fruit of olive tree, olive oil contains many beneficial elements such as antioxidants and healthy fats that are beneficial to human health. Here are seven reasons why olive oil is the gold standard for anyone who is seeking to improve their diet.

  1. Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats

Extra virgin olive oil mainly contains monounsaturated fatty acids, led by oleic acid comprising approximately 73% of olive oil’s total fat content. Monounsaturated fats have been cited to have anti-inflammatory nutrients and positive impacts on genes associated with cancer. Some of these fats do not easily oxidize even when heated and thus using extra virgin olive oil for cooking is advisable.

  1. Loaded with Antioxidants

Extra virgin olive oil contains antioxidants which act as bioactive compounds that have an impact on chronic diseases. These antioxidants reduce inflammation and are effective in preventing the oxidation of blood cholesterol which decreases the likelihood of a heart disease. One of the most important nutrients in olive oil is vitamin E and K, which serve as antioxidants to shield your cell.

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

For instance, chronic inflammation is considered to be the root of heart diseases, cancer, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, among others. The major anti-inflammatory actions of olive oil are due to the antioxidants present in it with oleocanthal being the most notable one as it act like ibuprofen. Research indicates that the oleocanthal in 50 mL (about 3. 4 tablespoons of) EVOO has the same efficacy to 10% of the adult ibuprofen dose to alleviate pain.

  1. Heart Health

undefined Extensive research has also revealed that olive oil has various positive impacts on heart health. It lowers inflammation and prevents the “bad” low density lipoprotein cholesterol from getting oxidized, provides improved blood vessel lining and possibly inhibit uncontrolled blood clotting. It also reduces the blood pressure level, an important factor that increases heart diseases and premature deaths. Of course, olive oil is the primary ingredient in the Mediterranean diet which is believed to decrease the risk of heart diseases.

  1. Weight Management

To the contrary, many investigations have noted that Mediterranean diet – which incorporates olive oil – is associated with beneficial impacts towards weight. One large observational study of 7,447 people followed over five years reported that those on a higher MUFA – especially olive oil – diet lost more weight. In another survey, it was revealed that higher intake of olive oil was linked with decrease in weight and fat around the abdominal area.

  1. May Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the leading neurodegenerative diseases in the world. This is accompanied by the formation of beta-amyloid plaques within your brain cells Another characteristic of this condition is the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques inside your brain cells. One study conducted on mice found that a compound in the olive oil is effective in reducing these plaques. Furthermore, another human intervention trial showed that a Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil had positive effects on mental health. Still more studies are required to analyze how olive oil might influence Alzheimer’s but there do seem to be positive effects on the brain.

  1. May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk

However, olive oil seem to have a very positive effect when it comes to the protection against type 2 diabetes. Some past researches have found that olive oil has positive impacts on blood sugar and insulin resistance. Most relevant work has been done in animals, but a randomized clinical trial with 418 apparently healthy subjects recently confirmed the protective effects of olive oil. A trial in the same category revealed that a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil cut the risk of type 2 diabetes by over 40%.

  1. Antibacterial Properties

The fat components present in the olive oil are known to have anti-microbial properties that can block or eliminate undesirable bacteria. One of them is Helicobacter pylori which is the bacterium that can be active in your stomach causing stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. Published laboratory experiments have demonstrated that this oil eliminates eight types of this bacteria, three of which are antibiotic-resistant. Human study found that the daily intake of an additional 30grams of extra virgin olive oil can help cure H. pylori infection in 10-40% of individuals within two weeks.

  1. May Have Anti-Cancer Properties

Some individuals who are living in Mediterranean nations are less likely to have certain forms of cancer and many scientists think this may be due to olive oil. Antioxidant compounds found in olive oil can prevent or at least decrease the amount of injury caused by free radicals which are known to cause cancer. Several laboratory experiments depict that extracts from olive oil can inhibit cancer cells. There is definitely a need for further clarification if indeed olive oil in a diet could help lower chances of getting cancer.

  1. Moisturizing and Antibacterial Properties for Skin

Not only the consumption but also the body application of olive oil is very useful. It has a moisturizing effect and is also rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties hence relevant in skin treatment. This oil can help moisturize and nourish your skin, making it an ingredient in many beauty products for the skin. It can also assist in the management of bacterial infections that affect the skin.

Conclusion: Adding Olive Oil to Your Diet

Using olive oil in ones diet is quite simple since it has a smooth texture and can be fused with many foods. Here are a few tips to get started:Here are a few tips to get started:

  1. Salad Dressings: Also, it is recommended that you use olive oil as the basis for your salad dressings.
  2. Cooking: For cooking, one should use olive oil for sautéing vegetables, grilling and for baking.
  3. Dipping Sauce: This remaines a perfect mixture of olive oil with the balsamic vinegar to make a great bread dip.
  4. Drizzle Over Dishes: For flavor and health purpose, you have to drizzle a little olive oil on your pasta, vegetables or meats.

Therefore, replacing a wrong type of fat such as vegetable oil with a good type of fat like olive oil, especially the extra virgin type, is a good change worth to make for your health. Due to the numerous health promotion aspects such as the cardiovascular, anti-obesity and cancer-fighting properties of the compound, it should be a part of our eating plan. Thus, toast the golden liquid to improved health and happiness.

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