Exercises for Low Back Pain – Help Your Clients Get Relief

Some of the non-specific effects of low back pain include the fact that it is a universal disorder that is experienced by millions of people across the globe. They stem from many sources such as improper body posture, muscle strain, injury, and joint degeneration. This means that as a fitness professional, you help your clients lessen the irritation that they may feel through out their day and enhance their health experience. When low back pain is present, client-directed exercises can go a long way by following exercises specific to that condition. This blog post will delve into causes of low back pain and the best exercises that can help in alleviating it together with details of how to exercise safely.

Understanding Low Back Pain

Low back pain is complex, as such there are a few things that must be established before commencing with the exercises. It can be also acute or chronic, though mild and severe in similar forms, or sharp and incapacitating in the latter case. undefined

  • Muscle Strain: Improper lifting of objects or even over exertion may cause muscle strains.
  • Herniated Discs: When the spacing between the bones named vertebrae is injured then the discs can apply pressure on nerves which causes pain.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease: Age brings changes within the spine and the discs under pressure can wear out.
  • Sciatica: Squeezing of sciatic nerve may lead to the occurrence of pain along the leg of the affected individual.

Thus, knowing what causes the discomfort in your client’s body is crucial to setting up the right exercise that they can perform in the right way.

Warm-Up and Stretching

Regardless of the type of physical activity one is going to undertake, stretching is vital at the initial stages of exercising. To reduce the chances of straining and even spraining a muscle, it is necessary to warm up the muscles, especially before engaging in strenuous activities. Start the warm-up by pedaling at a low intensity for 5-10 minutes; this may involve cycling, walking, or jogging.

Self-treatment protocols involve NY physical therapy exercises for low back pain relief.

  1. Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic tilts are a mild exercise that helps induce the body’s core muscles as well as extend the lumbar region.


  • How to Perform: To perform the pelvic tilt, you should: Stand with your back against a wall, your knees flexed at 90 degrees, and feet shoulder-width apart. Suck in your stomach and pull your lower back down towards the ground by tucking your pelvis underneath you. Say a few words and then release – hold . undefined


  1. Cat-Cow Stretch

This easy yoga pose is perfect to add a degree of flexibility and to generally reduce strain in the lower back.

  • How to Perform: Begin from the crouching position with the tops of the feet touching the floor flat with the palms directly beneath the shoulders and knees directly below the hips. Exhale and round your upper back and tuck your chin to your chest while pulling the tailbone toward the floor (Cat Pose). Breathe out and curve your spine toward back (Cat Pose) with your head down towards your belly button pulled in towards your spine. This should be done 10-15 time slower motions and more smoothly.


  1. Bird-Dog Exercise

The bird-dog exercise is particularly useful in improving its steadiness and muscle development around the tummy and the lower back.

  • How to Perform: Start from the level of supine position. Avoid bending the knee when extending the left leg backward or lifting the right knee when extending the left arm forward and make sure that your hips remain flat. The final move looks like this: Hold in this position for about five seconds before going back to the initial position. Go back and repeat the exercise on the right side of the body. They should be done at least 10-15 times on each side.


  1. Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose is a beginner pose which decompresses the spine and reduces stress levels.

  • How to Perform: Like a four, begin in a crawl position, with your palms flat on the floor, and slide your legs back into a seated position, as your arms extend out in front of you with palms facing down. Bend over a chair with the forehead touching the surface and remain in the position for twenty to thirty seconds while inhaling and exhaling. Undefined


  1. Bridges

Bridges help in working on the glutal and lower back muscles as these muscles help in providing support to the spine.

  • How to Perform: Firstly, assuming the supine position with knees flexed and feet six inches away from the notes. Bend your knees slightly and pull your shoulders back while lifting your hips towards the ceiling as you tighten up your gluteal muscles and your abdominal muscles simultaneously. Sit quietly in this position for a few seconds before returning your hips back to the floor. Undefined


  1. Knee-to-Chest Stretch

This particular stretch enables the lower back muscles to loose some of its tightness as it stretches them out.

  • How to Perform: The individual should get down on the bed with their back facing the floor and their legs bent at the knees. One of the exercises is, with legs apart, drawing one leg up, clasp that knee with your hands. Try holding the position for 20-30 seconds and then draw the raised leg back and bring the other leg forward. Bend and extend the knee 2-3 times on each side.


  1. Seated Forward Bend

This stretch aims at the hamstrings and the lower back and hence should be coupled with a flexibility exercise.

  • How to Perform: Bring your uncomfortably straight legs and sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Move you hands as far as you can towards your toes, try to avoid bending your spine at the same time. Clasp both hands, then close them and hold tightly for about five to ten seconds and then, open them and let go. Repeat 2-3 times.

Tips for Safe Exercise

Thus, when practicing these exercises for low back pain it is important to adhere to certain precautions to avoid aggravation of the injury. Here are some tips:

  • Listen to Your Body: As a result, it is important that you advise your clients to be keen on signs they receive from the body. During exercises they should not feel any pain or discomfort if they experience any of these they should stop.
  • Maintain Proper Form: Stress need for correct positioning to prevent pressure and pain. Perform each exercise and give corrections when necessary.
  • Start Slowly: Inform clients that it is advisable to begin with a few repetitions and as the muscles strengthen and become more pliable, the number can be easily increased.
  • Use Supportive Surfaces: It is advisable to perform the workout on a stabilizing mat to minimize the stress exerted on the joints of the body.
  • Stay Consistent: One has to be steadfast so as to observe the improvements that one is likely to experience. Advise clients to do these exercises often, Initially, they can start with 5-10 minutes of the exercise.

Fitting Physical Activity into a Schedule

To achieve maximum effect of these exercises for LBP include them in an exercise program consisting of strength training, flexibility and cardiovascular exercises. Here is a sample weekly plan:Here is a sample weekly plan:

Day 1: Exercises That Strengthen The Muscles

Make bridges, bird-dogs and pelvic tilts for example your top priority to achieve the desired results.

Train the upper body and the lower body endurance.

Day 2: They are likely to be more flexible and stretchable than the other categories of learners.

  • Some stretches to avoid include hold for a longer time child pose, seated forward bends, stretching the knees to chest.
  • Perform other asana exercises that complement yoga and Pilates or variations of the existing ones.

Day 3: Cardiovascular Activity

  • Walking, swimming and cycling should be included in the list of preferable types of cardiovascular exercises with minimal impact.

Day 4: Activities that must be avoided, or activities that should not be performed include lying down or engaging in activities that do not require exertion.

  • It is advisable to avoid any intense exercise or perhaps sit and avoid lifting anything, instead, go for a walk or do some stretching exercises.

Day 5: Strength Training and the specific core exercises

  • Perform the previous day exercise with some additional sets or some changes in the set forms.

Day 6: However, the ordinary can be stretched and one way of doing so is through flexibility.

  • On this day, the workout should involve the repetition of stretches performed on the Day 2 but with deeper and slower movements.

Day 7: Inclusive if the patient is lying down or sparingly engaging in activity at less than 10 METs.

  • Take a break and / or do low-energy tasks from time to time.


To effectively assist your clients with low back pain reabilitation, it is necessary to be systematic. Thus, if implemented in the fitness routine of the clients experiencing low back pain, you can help lead them towards better mobility, strength and health. Just bear in mind that these exercises should be done regularly, effectively and roots should be prepared in a manner that would not overwhelm the person in question. Using your skills and commitment, a person will be able to transform their clients’ lives, become pain-free, and reach their fitness potential.

Also Read Chair Yoga for Weight LossBedtime Routine for Teens, green tea for weight loss.

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