7 Reasons Coffee is Good for Your Health: Fitmusclex

Coffee is Good for Health

The invention and discovery of coffee had played a lot of significant contributions to people and the largest consumption of coffee is observed all over the globe at present. Still, speaking of launching pads, coffee is not just your wake up call for the morning, here is what you should know about the coffee health benefits. If you ever asked yourself if your cup of coffee in the morning is helpful or not to your body – the answer is definitely yes. we’ll explore seven compelling reasons why coffee is good for your health.

  1. Rich in Antioxidants

Nowadays coffee is among the leading sources of antioxidants in people’s diet. Free radicals are present in the human body and causes cell damage and is associated with aging and diseases, therefore antioxidants are important to ‘neutralize’ these free radicals. The compounds like chlorogenic acid found in coffee can have a preventative role in your body against oxidative stress that leads to such diseases as heart diseases and cancer. Some research has found that coffee is linked with a reduced risk of several types of cancer such as liver and colorectal, both of which are some of the most common cancer deaths in the world.

  1. Boosts Physical Performance

Have you ever wondered why having a cup of coffee before one exercises in the morning makes him or her perform better? That is so because the coffee which is a well known stimulant contains caffeine that helps in stimulating the nervous system and hence increases adrenaline level. Adrenaline is a hormone that mobilises your body for action and prepares it for action that can number up to the extreme. Caffine also aids in the breakdown of body fat so that free fatty acids are leased to be utilized as energy. These effects together can enhance physical performance which makes coffee to be used before workouts. Whether you are in the gym, jogging, or in any sporting activity, coffee does help in better and improved performance for a longer duration.

  1. Supports Brain Health

Coffee is not just the health inside a cup; it’s the intelligence outside the skull. The risk of ailments such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease has been found to decrease with steady consumption of coffee. These two diseases are at the moment NTIs and mainly associated with the elderly population. Nevertheless, there are some works that show that people who consume coffee have up to 65% lower probability of developing Alzheimer’s disease – the most common form of dementia. Further, coffee appears to have a 32-60% protective effect against Parkinson’s disease. Caffeine and other components of coffee are believed to be the main factors contributing to these protective effects as our brains age.

  1. Enhances Mood and Mental Health

Feeling down? That calls for a cup of coffee. It has been proved that caffeine consumption enhances mood due to its ability to influence secretion of dopamine/ serotonin-neurotransmitters — the body’s natural ‘happy hormones’. These chemicals are involved with the regulation of mood and an over or under production of such results in depression and anxiety respectively. Trials also show that the daily and even moderate intake of coffee also minimize the incidence of depression and in turn, suicide. For instance, a study conducted showed that the probability of people developing depression was 20 percent less for those who consumed four or more cups of coffee daily. Therefore, if you are in the process of searching for a natural way of improving your mood, coffee is exactly what you might need.

  1. Supports Heart Health

When it comes to having a positive impact on heart health, few foods are more misunderstood than coffee. Although coffee opens the blood vessels which cause temporary increase in the blood pressure, the overall figure is usually small and stabilizes in case of a regular cup of coffee consumer. Indeed, there are findings that imply that coffee is actually beneficial to the health of the heart. There is research to suggest people who consume an average amount of coffee have a reduced incidence of cardiac and cerebrovascular disease. In one study, three to five cups of coffee per day were determine to reduce cardiovascular disease risk by about 15%. This may be attributed to the effect of coffee to be an anti-inflammatory agent and also the effect on the blood vessels.

  1. Reduces the possibility of Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes type 2 is an international problem, which is affecting millions of people across the globe. It is a condition that is indicated by raised blood glucose levels because of insulin or the absence of insulin. It is therefore surprising that people who took coffee had a lower chance of contracting this illness. Other research has established that, ordinary coffee drinkers, stand a reduced risk as little as 23-50% of developing type 2 diabetes. According to the various research that have been conducted some of them propose that the risk could be brought down by as much as 67%. It is believed that this protective impact is owing to enhancement of insulin sensitivity and antioxidant activity of coffee for lessening inflammation and oxidation stress.

  1. Aids in Weight Management

For those who are attempting to consume fewer calories and lose a couple of pounds, coffee is your friend. Caffeine is perhaps one of the only few natural substances that work effectively in increasing metabolism and fat loss. It achieves this through raising the body’s metabolic rate and hence the calorific rate hence helping in the burning of calories all through the day. Caffeine also helps make the fat in the body more available for use so it is often added in weight reducing products. In the same process, coffee can be a slight appetite reducer hence leading to low calorie consumption by the body. Of course, their effects are reported to be stronger in thin people, and the overall influence can be somewhat different with each subject.

In conclusion, besides a good taste, coffee is a great friend of our health. The advantages are numerous: support for the brain and the heart, more effective slimming, prevention of chronic diseases. It is thus important to warn that coffee should be taken in moderation but it is indeed a healthy beverage. The next time you take a cup of coffee – toast your cup to the fact that you are not only satisfying you tongue but also your body as well.

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