The Remarkable Health Benefits of Eating Bananas: Fitmusclex

Benefits of Eating Bananas

The banana is presumably among the most popular fruits in the world for a number of reasons. Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with substantive nutrient that has positive impacts on your health. Starting with increasing energy levels, bananas are touted to have a number of health benefits and are packed with nutrients. In this post, we’ll look at the many integral benefits of eating bananas and why the fruit must not be missing from your diet.

Nutritional Profile of Bananas

Now, take a closer look at the detailed general benefits of bananas before studying the enumerated advantages in detail.

Calories: Approximately 105

Fiber: 3 grams

Vitamin B6: 22% of the RDI

Carbohydrates: 27 grams

Vitamin C: 17% of the RDI (Recommended Daily Intake)

Magnesium: 8% of the RDI

Potassium: 12% of the RDI

The bananas also have very small amounts of other nutrients including Vitamin A, Iron and Manganese. There are some vitamins and minerals that are of high content such as potassium and vitamin B6 which are very essential in the body.

Instant Energy Boost

One of the effects of bananas, which is widely known is that they contain natural energy boosters. This can be attributed to its high percentage of carbohydrates that is essential for energy. Bananas are common pre- or post-meal snacks for athletes because they replenish depleted nutrients and support muscle repair. The banana contains natural sugars in its formulation comprising of glucose, fructose, and sucrose alongside the dietary fiber thus avoiding the provision of energy surges and crashes.

Digestive Health

Bananas are rich in complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, and these components play an important role in digestion. A medium banana yields nearly 3 grams of fibre which is 10 percent of the daily recommended amount. The bananas contain fiber which helps to control bowel movements so they can prevent constipation. Furthermore, bananas also have dietary fiber called pectin which enhances digestion within the human body. Pectin can also assist in the relief of constipation which is always associated with digestive diseases like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Heart Health

This is more evident with the high potassium levels found in bananas that has been known to propel heart health. This is a mineral similar to Sodium but it reduces high blood pressure resulting from high intake of Sodium. Consuming potassium containing foods can also minimize hypertension effects, leading to the decrease risk of cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, bananas are rich in fibers which are also known to play a role in reducing cholesterol levels and thus improving heart health.

Weight Management

It is a good idea to include bananas in a diet plan that focuses on the goal of losing weight. However, they contain moderate amounts of carbohydrates and are classified with low to medium glycemic index meaning that they do not make the blood glucose level rise suddenly. This makes them a good snack for anyone consciously trying to reduce calorie intake or keep their insulin levels in check. The fiber also aids in keeping one full to avoid instances of bingeing on foods that are not so healthy.

Improved Feelings and Anxiety Levels

Bananas can have a good influence on your mood and stress levels when you take them. It is well endowed with tryptophan, an amino acid which is converted into serotonin in the body. The serotonin is the neurotransmitter which is responsible for mood regulation and experiences of well-being. Moreover, bananas which contain vitamin B6 also has the capability of converting the tryptophan into serotonin hence, having an impact on mood. The bananas contain magnesium which balances stress and thereby promotes relaxation.

Improved Vision

Bananas also have a little amount of vitamin A, which is a vital nutrient in vision. Vitamin A is essential for the functioning of proteins called photopsin and iodopsin which form two type of photoreceptors in the eyes that enable the eye to detect light and convert it to neural signals which are then interpreted by the brain as sight. Bananas should be taken in a routine since they have essential nutrients that can prevent night blindness and similar eye problems.

Better Skin Health

Bananas are also good for skin as they contain nutrients that your skin needs. The presence of vitamin C in bananas helps to produce collagen, hence keeping the skin firm and tight, making you look younger. Also, these fruits contain antioxidants that may prevent skin damage by free radicals, thus reversing signs of aging. The bananas are a rich source of vitamin B6, which helps with skin health by encouraging cellular development and regeneration.

Advantages of Taking Bananas As Fruit for Athletes

Bananas shall therefore be recommended as an important food for the athletes and here are some of the benefits. say that it has carbohydrates that give energy in a certain span of time perfect for merienda before or after exercising. Bananas contain potassium which contributes significantly within the muscles to help reduce muscle cramp and ensure proper muscle function. Moreover, bananas can be easily metabolised therefore holding the potential of being the perfect energy boost in between sports activities without causing complications of indigestion.

How to Incorporate Bananas into Your Diet

Bananas can easily be incorporated into meal plans and are also quite adaptable in terms of preparation.

  1. Smoothies: Try using bananas together with fruits of your choice, a serving of yogurt and a little milk for a wholesome drink.
  2. Oatmeal: You can peel and cut the banana in two then placing it on the oatmeal that has been cooked ready to serve.
  3. Snacks: Take banana in it raw form as a healthy snack and eat it whenever you want.
  4. Baking: Serving suggestion – Use the bananas in muffins, pancakes and banana bread if you want a natural sweetener.
  5. Toppings: Try slicing a banana and sprinkling it as a topping on your cereal, yogurt, or toast to enhance the nutritional value.


Should one have doubts over the importance of taking bananas, then the following are some of the benefits of including bananas in his or her diet plan. Bananas, thus, are a veryandroid rich source of energy and nutrition that can enhance your health and wellbeing in various ways, ranging from a quick vitamin boost to improved cardiovascular and digestive health. From a sportsman in search of boosts of energy before or during a sporting event or an enthusiast in search of nutritious fruit, bananas cannot be forgotten. So, the next time you are shopping for groceries, don’t forget to take a bunch of bananas and begin to accrue the many benefits that they come with.

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