Bedtime Routine for Teens: 7 Tips to Help Teen Sleep Better at Night

Teenage comes along with a lot of activities, and sleep becomes one of the biggest casualties. With school, afterschool activities, social lives, and the attraction of screens, many teenagers lack the sleep they require. However, quality sleep is very essential for their health, well-being and performance in school work. I will never underestimate the power of having a routine for going to bed again. Below are seven tips that can assist teenagers to sleep better at night.

  1. Set a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Among all the strategies aimed at improving the quality of rest, the most useful is to wake up at the same time every day. Make it a habit that your teen should go to bed and wake up at a particular time in the morning, even on the weekends. This assists in maintaining their circadian rhythm regulation, so that they can be able to sleep and wake up on their own. Routine must be kept regular because irregularities may cause sleeping disorders and daytime sleepiness.

  1. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Warm bath in the evening gets the body ready for bed by giving it a signal that it is time to relax. Most importantly, engage in activities you find relaxing and which reduce tension such as reading a book, listening to music or practicing mindfulness and meditation. They should avoid using electricity to engage in vigorous exercises, gaming, or arguing with someone before they go to bed.

  1. Limit Exposure to Screens Before Bed

Electronic devices, including phones, tablets, computers, and television emit blue light that disrupts the production of melatonin, a hormone associated with sleep. It is also suggested that screens should never be used for at least one hour prior to going to sleep. Encourage your teen to indulge in other fun activities that do not involve the use of screens during this time as well. If they do have to use their electronic devices, then they should attempt to turn on blue light filters or applications that prevent blue light.

  1. Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

The bedroom should be a sleep-friendly area. Make sure that in the room which you are using there is good ventilation , low light and no noise. Good quality mattress and pillows can also be defined by the amount of money that one is willing to spend to purchase these products. When this is so, one can use ear plugs or alternatively purchase a white noise manufacturer. Blackout curtains could be helpful in minimizing any form of disruption that can be associated with light. A clean working space and the absence of mess or chaos can also lead to relaxation.

  1. Watch What They Eat and Drink

It is important to note that what we eat also has an impact on the quality of our sleep. Inform your teen that they should not take big portions, caffeine and sweets in the evening. Caffeine is in coffee, tea, soda, chocolate and other products and can make them stay awake. If they are hungry, they could take something small like a banana or small bowl of oatmeal which are known to have nutrients that promote sleep such as magnesium and tryptophan respectively.

  1. Encourage Physical Activity During the Day

Physical activity can also assist your teen to fall asleep faster as well as have a deep slumber. But more importantly, it needs to be done at the right time. Exercise increases the body’s internal heat system and produces endorphins, which may have an energizing effect. Thus, it is preferable to engage in intense training during the morning or at least several hours before nightfall. Some of the least intensive exercises like yoga or stretching can be done in the evening to help the body relax.

  1. Address Stress and Anxiety

One of the causes of sleep difficulties in teenagers is stress and anxiety. Help your teen to express their concerns and teach them how to cope with stress in a positive manner. This may involve writing in a diary, discussing the issue with a friend or family member or consulting a professional where necessary. It is also important to teach simple relaxation techniques, e.g., deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery to help manage anxiety and improve sleep.

Implementing the Routine

Developing a schedule for teenagers may take sometime and some encouragement, but this is very helpful in the long run. undefined

  • Involve Your Teen in the Process: Explain to the teenager why sleep should be a priority and let him or her participate in making the schedule. This also enhances their loyalty as well as guarantee the routine’s suitability to their desires as well as requirements.
  • Start Small: It is important not to do an about turn but to implement changes in phases because this has certain effects. For instance, set a proper sleeping time and stick to it and then start the process of removing gadgets usually used at night.
  • Be a Role Model: Make sure that your little one gets good habits in handling bedtime that it will imitate. Teenagers are able to stick to routines if parents set an example of the routine to be followed.
  • Monitor Progress and Adjust: Monitor progress of the new routine, and modify if it is not yielding the intended results. You can try different approaches to manage your temper and anger as a parent, depending on what your teen reacts well to.
  • Stay Positive and Patient: Finally, the process of changing habits also requires time. Take advantage of moments of triumph and do not despair over difficulties. Keep on motivating your teen throughout the process.


Setting or creating a good bedtime routine is another effective way of making sure that the teens get enough sleep. By sticking to the right sleep schedule, developing an effective pre-sleep regimen, avoiding light emission, providing a suitable environment for sleeping, monitoring diet, engaging in exercises and managing stress, there is a great chance to enhance the quality of teen sleeping. Not only will they be able to wake up feeling fresh in the mornings and well prepared to face the day but they will be able to face the challenges of life better. Sleep is among the most vital necessities in human life and one of the foundations of a healthy life – it is never too late to try and get good sleep.

Also Read Chair Yoga for Weight Loss7 Partner Poses, Yoga for Kidney Stones.

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