8 Tips to Assist in the Prevention of Heart Diseases over the Holiday Season

Christmas is accompanied by happy emotions such as joy, celebration, and togetherness. But it also comes with stress, overeating and disturbance of daily rhythm which all negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Adhering to heart-healthy practices during the holiday is not an easy task, but it is not inconceivable either. Read these eight tips to maintain a healthy heart diseases with full celebration:

  1. Mindful Eating: Dining: Moderate

Food is a vital part of the holidays, and people tend to consume a lot of it thus gaining weight. The high calorie, fat and sugar consumption contribute to obesity which is a risk factor to heart diseases and also increased cholesterol levels. Eat mindfully by taking small bites and avoiding eating the foods which are not very healthy. Instead of avoiding the foods that you love wholly, try to take them in moderation so as not to go on a binge eating spree later.

Tips for Mindful Eating:

  • Chew Slowly: Chew slowly and ensure that you take your time while consuming your food.
  • Smaller Plates: Avoid oversized plates because they encourage people to take large portions of food.
  • Listen to Your Body: Do not eat until you feel uncomfortable, but eat until you feel full.
  1. Stay Active: Keep Moving

During this year’s holidays, a lot of people get so busy that they might forget to exercise. In any case, physical activity is essential for heart health. Target at least thirty minutes of moderate physical activity several times a week. This can be achieved through a walk, a jog, dancing or even playing tag with the children.

Tips for Staying Active:

  • Holiday Walks: Develop a habit of walking for half an hour after every meal to facilitate digestion and help your body in burning calories.
  • Family Activities: Participate in holiday focused activities including ice skating or going for a hike.
  • Routine Exercise: Treat exercise just like any other appointment so that you do not feel like skipping it.
  1. Manage Stress: Have some leisure time

In particular, the period before the New Year is extremely stressful with additional shopping, meetings with relatives, and traveling. Stressful conditions when prolonged are known to raise blood pressure and lead to heart diseases. It is also necessary to learn how to cope with stress constructively like through Yoga, prayer or breast breathing.

Tips for Stress Management:

  • Me Time: In my daily life, I plan at least half an hour per day for an enjoyable activity that can help me to relax and let go of stress.
  • Delegate: It’s okay to seek assistance in planning for the holidays.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Do not make too many commitments and never set 100 percent targets.
  1. Stay Hydrated: However, do not underestimate the value of water, try to consume more of this product.

As much as it is tempting to indulge ourselves with different types of alcoholic beverages and cocktails during the festivities, it is also important that we take our water intake as well. As with any organ, adequate water supply is mandatory since it regulates blood volume which in turn enables the heart diseases to pump blood easier. Try to have at least three liters of water, divided into eight glasses, through out the day.

Tips for Staying Hydrated:

  • Carry a Water Bottle: Carry a water bottle with you and make a conscious effort to take small sips from it as frequently as possible.
  • Limit Alcohol: Beer contains alcohol and can cause dehydration, which should be balanced with water.
  • Infused Water: Try putting fruits or herbs in your water for an alternative taste.
  1. Limit Salt and Sugar: Eat Less

Seasonal foods usually contain high levels of salt and sugar which put pressure on blood pressure, and weigh respectively. High sodium is the cause of hypertension whereas high sugar increases the probability of weight increase and high triglycerides. Avoid the use of table salt and refined sugar, opt for the tastier natural ‘salt of the earth’ and natural sweeteners such as honey and molasses.

Tips for Limiting Salt and Sugar:Tips for Limiting Salt and Sugar:

  • Homemade Meals: If you insist on taking fast foods then prepare the foods at home where you can decide on what you want to include or the kind of spices to add.
  • Season with Herbs: Replace salt with herbs and other spices in the preparation of foods.
  • Read Labels: Be Cautionary about foods you eat and the content of salt and sugar it contains.
  1. Get Enough Sleep: Rest is something that most people neglect or do not give much importance to, however, it should be noted that the following of a proper rest regimen should be placed at the top of anyone’s list of activities.

Dur to the high levels of activities recorded during the holiday sessions, people end up experiencing decreased levels of sleep. In turn, sleeping is crucial for the body and if one fails to get enough sleeping periods his or her heart is likely to register high stress hormones as well as the pressure of blood. This will range from 7-9 hours in order to give your body the needed rest so that it can effectively recover.

Tips for Better Sleep:

  • Consistent Schedule: Try to sleep during the night and be wakeful during the day: nowadays this rule is broken even by schools and kindergartens.
  • Wind Down: Establish some kind of a wind-down routine for the body to know that it is time for sleep.
  • Limit Screen Time: They also advise that one should not spend a lot of time on the computer, television or any other source of artificial light before retiring to bed.
  1. Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol: If we want to lead healthy lives we have to be able to make healthy choices.

Despite the adverse effects of smoking and excessive alcohol consumption on the heart as stated above, they remain popular vices among many people. Somatic diseases, smoking affects the blood vessels and heart while high revenant alcohol affects incurs high ether pressure, heart failure and stroke. If you use tobacco in any form, try to cut it down with the help of the relevant experts. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages—its consumption should not exceed one drink in a day for females and two for males.

Tips for Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol:Tips for Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol:

  • Healthy Alternatives: Smoking should be replace by good quality nonalcoholic beverages and snacks.
  • Support System: Try to have good friends and friendly family members who are supportive of such plans.
  • Plan Ahead: Have tactical arrangements for handling social settings with little to no smoking or alcohol consumptions.
  1. Stay Connected: Education: Involve and Encourage

Some scientific data points to the finding that heart health can be enhanced through the act of feasting with one’s loved ones during the holidays. Interacting with people carries a therapeutic effect by diminishing stress and boosting positive feelings. Send out a message to all your friends and loved ones in case you feel lonely and have no friend to talk to.

Tips for Staying Connected:

  • Quality Time: Communicate with friends and family members through phone or video calls, either visit them if you are nearby or send them care packages.
  • Reach Out: It is time to take the initiative and call friends and loved ones, that you haven’t met for some time.
  • Join Groups: Join local activities or create them or volunteer, so that the person will not be left at home and also can make new friends.


The holidays are some of the fun but people need to be observant with their hearts. So, remember, when it comes to the festive season, you can hold onto the basic principles of a heart-healthy lifestyle, which include mindful eating, physical activity, stress, water intake, low salt and sugar intake, sleep, no smoking and moderate alcohol intake, as well as keeping connected with friends and families. As always, they must remember that compound interest from doing small but right actions in a daily basis would make a huge difference to the health of their heart and their entire body in the long-run. I wish you a Happy New Year holidays and don’t forget to take care of your heart!

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