7 Ways to Fall in Love With Fitness & Enjoy Exercise

Strengthening a fitness regime may be liberating and not only make a positive impact on a person’s physique and wellbeing. Realizing the benefits of exercise may be daunting at first but that is a process that can be easily embarked on depending on how you view it. Below are seven tips that can assist you in getting to love exercises that would make exercising a part of your lifestyle.

  1. Find Your Passion

The way to fall in love with exercise is by finding the niche that interests you most. This establishes the fact that fitness is not only the ability to flex muscles in the gym, but involves a host of activities which are not only enjoyable but also physically Healthy. Invest time into different types of exercises in order to find out which one is suitable for you. Other forms of physical fitness include dancing, swimming, hiking, yoga, and the martial arts, and many others. Try out different activities in the course and pay attention to the feelings that are elicited. You will discover that whenever this happens, you no longer hate the exercise but rather are actually happy to do it.

  1. Set Realistic Goals

This approach helps one to find a way of congratulating herself/himself after several achievements that have been made, which gives one strength to move forward. Whether it is jogging for a certain number of miles, doing a certain yoga move, or lifting a certain weight – every achievement brings one step closer to a better, happier you.

  1. Create a Consistent Routine

Regular exercise is the key to establishing love for exercise. Scheduling your exercises makes it easier to incorporate physical activity into your daily life and routines. Select a time that is convenient for you whether morning hours, lunch time or in the evening. Being consistent doesn’t only aid in the formation of a habit but also assists in creating structure for the tracking process. The body and mind will start to expect and even look forward to such regular episodes of physical exertion.

  1. Make it Social

Group physical activity or having a group of people with similar fitness goals as you can definitely improve the experience. Sharing stories while exercising creates companionship, which increases motivation to carry on with the exercises. It also brings in an aspect of responsibility, as people will attend their practices and give their best performance since they are representing a team. Exercise can be fun and enjoyable when people join a running club or a dancing class or even a team game.

  1. Emphasize Enjoyment Rather Than Pain

The benefits related to the physical aspect of exercising are crucial but changing perspective to view exercising as fun is a great boost. Forget the obsession with burning calories or building muscles and focus on the positive feeling that comes with exercise. Such a change in attitude can make an exercise not seem like a chore and instead an enjoyable activity. Enriching your exercise regime with music, games or outdoor settings can turn it into something you are looking forward to and not a chore.

  1. Celebrate Your Progress

Recognizing and motivating yourself is very important in order to take positive attitudes towards fitness. Encourage the writing of a fitness journal or use an application that will record your accomplishments regardless of how little they may be. Another way to acknowledge the changes that have happened to your physical well-being such as strength, endurance, flexibility and all around physical fitness. Celebrate micro-successes by purchasing a new fitness wear, or reserving a self-indulgent massage or taking a day off to watch your favorite show. During development reviewing progress helps to reinforce positive attitude toward exercising and motivates one to go on.

  1. Be Kind to Yourself

Getting into the habit of exercising also takes time and people should desist from being very harsh on themselves. It is important to remember that there will be some days when you want, or feel like, you do not want to work and some days when you do not work to the best of your ability. One must also remind himself during these moments to be patient and not get discouraged as failure is an integral step in accomplishments. Take naps when you need to, just pay attention to your own health don’t concentrate on other people. Once again, it is important to understand that the purpose of exercise is to cultivate a hobby of movement for the rest of one’s life not to win a fitness competition.


Losing weight and enjoying fitness is achievable in the casesthat health and exercising should be enjoyable in the case of men and women at all ages and in all kinds of fitness levels. By choosing activities that you are passionate about, goal setting, which is achievable, creating a schedule, exercising with a friend or group, having fun while exercising, praising yourself for the progress made, and most importantly accepting yourself, practicing physical activity can be shifted to a positive perspective. Learn to enjoy the process and look forward to the feeling of Dancing as an exercise that makes your body happy. Fitness is not a process of becoming strong and healthy only physically; but to achieve a better quality of life and start living a healthier and fulfilling life.

Also, read 7 Benefits of Cycling, 7 Partner Poses.

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