7 Benefits of Cycling for Your Body and Mind: Fitmusclex

Benefits of Cycling: I am not only speaking of cycling as a means of getting from point A to point B or simply a fun activity; cycling is an exceptional form of exercise that has many positive impacts on human well-being. Whether it is traveling to the workplace or playground, along forest pathways or race tracks, cycling is largely beneficial to the body and soul. It is necessary to present seven persuasive arguments to let cycling become a part of your schedule.

  1. Cardiovascular Health

Cycling is deemed as an aerobic exercise, it helps to build up the cardio fitness of your heart and lungs. Cycling can help lower stress levels and in the long run, this is important in decreasing your chances of acquiring diseases related to the heart including heart attack, heart stroke, hypertension among others. It also helps improve circulation, reduces levels of dangerous LDL cholesterol and improves heart health. Riding a bicycle means that the chances of having high blood pressure or heart problems are minimized, so you get a longer life.

Supporting Fact

According to the study done in BMJ, persons who commute to work by bicycle, have a 41% lesser likelihood of dying of heart Disease as compared to those who do not bicycle.

  1. Weight Management

Cycling is one of the best exercises that can help one deal with the issue of weight. The best thing about it is that it allows you to burn a large amount of calories, keeping you on the right side of the weighing scale. The calories you burn per hour depend on the intensity of the dance and your body weight; you can easily burn between 400-1000 calories. However, cycling also contributes to muscle mass development, primarily in the lower part of the body, leading to metabolism enhancement and effective weight loss in the long run.

Supporting Fact

According to the Harvard University study moderate cycling helps a 155-pound individual burn around 298 calories for 30 minutes while vigorous cycling helps in burning 372 calories for 30 minutes.

  1. Muscle Toning and Strengthening

Cycling mainly engages the lower body muscles such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles and the gluteal muscles. It also exercises the muscles that are used in balancing the body. Due to the kind of movements involved in cycling these muscle groups are exercised and strengthened when cycling is done in regular basis hence offering well toned muscles. In addition, it increases the range of movement and flexibility of the knee and hip joint, which makes it an appropriate activity for anyone at any age.

Supporting Fact

ACE also reported that cycling can enhance muscle efficiency and prevention of muscle atrophy associated with aging, Sarcopenia.

  1. Mental Health Benefits of Cycling

Riding a bicycle is not only a useful exercise for the physical body but, furthermore, it has enigmatic positive impacts on mind. It has been found to alleviate stress, anxiety and depression through the production of endorphins which are body naturals mood boosters. The mechanical and rhythmic motion of cycling also has an effect and can calm the mind as much as it tires the legs, thus is good for alleviating mental stress. Furthermore, cycling outside means that you can indulge in fresh air and this in fact enhances both the mind and emotions.

Supporting Fact

An article in the Environmental Science & Technology magazine shows that exercises such as cycling can help to enhance mood and overcome states such as stress and anxiety.

  1. Enhanced Brain Function

Studies have shown that cycling and other physical activities also help in the development of better cognitive ability and the brain. Cycling also has also improves circulation of blood to the brain thus boosting one’s memory, focus and analytical abilities. It also encourages the production of more neurons in the hippocampus; the part of the brain that is connected to memory. This makes cycling a great way of exercising your brain because as you age or get affected by the Alzheimer’s disease your brain is as good as ruined.

Supporting Fact

University of Illinois research indicates that cycling can cause hippocampal growth by 2%, a benefit that can boost memory and cognition.

  1. Better Sleep Quality

It is also good for the health because it helps in improving sleep quality. Consciously exercising your body will assist in terms of helping you have a better sleep both at night and day. Cycling and any other form of exercise can help primary and secondary symptoms of insomnia and promote sleep. Outdoor cycling also involves the use of physical energy and is conducted under natural light hence helping in the timely appeasing of the biological clock hence improving on sleep.

Supporting Fact

According to the National Sleep Foundation, exercise is very effective in dealing with sleep disorders and promoting good sleep.

  1. Groups, Organization, and Community Relations

The use of bicycles can also be a social activity, where people can get acquainted with other individuals and build upon existing friendships. Cycling socially within the cluster by becoming a member of cycling clubs or engaging in group cycling rides can instill social affiliation. Interacting with other people during cycling can help in lifting your moods, overcoming feelings of loneliness and having a support system which encourages the maintenance of cycling routines. Grouping in cycling provides encouragement and fun due to the interaction that one gets from other people.

Supporting Fact

According to a survey conducted by University of Oxford, social activities, including group cycling sports have health benefits and increased their level of satisfaction with life.


Cycling is a simple and fulfilling exercise that many people can partake in and will do them an immense amount of good. Everyone knows about the benefits of cycling when it comes to cardiovascular health, weight management or increasing muscle strength, but it also boosts mental health and helps to create social bonds. Cycling: for learners and cycling professionals, cycling on a regular basis can greatly increase the quality and length of life. Thus, you better take your bicycle, open the world, and see how great cycling can be with your own eyes.

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