14 Reasons for Feeling Hungry All the Time: Eating Behaviors

Hunger is a feeling that is hard to ignore, which can be bothersome and/or confusing. Even if one takes proper meals thrice a day often you find this kind of feeling, then you ask yourself what’s wrong! These may be attributed to daily practices or eating habits, however, there could be underlying psychological causes and effects that contribute to this seemingly endless hunger. Unless you understand the causes of these reasons you might end up eating more than you need and thus cause problems with your health. Below is a list of 14 possibilities that might be explanation why you Feeling Hungry All the Time:

  1. Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein is one of the essential macronutrients as it assists to reduce appetite as well as assists in increasing levels of hormones that help to trigger satiety as a result of lowering levels of hormones that trigger hunger. In particular, if you lose some protein in your diet, you may feel hunger more often than before. This means that eating foods containing high-quality proteins such as eggs, lean meats, dairy products, beans and nuts increases one’s chances of having a meal that will keep him or her full for longer hours.

  1. Lack of Fiber in Your Diet

Consuming foods that contain fiber has a positive impact on the digestion process therefore it helps in keeping the stomach full. Deficiency in fiber in diets results in more hunger pangs compared to other foods. Favor fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes because they are packed with fiber and can help with managing your hunger.

  1. Consuming Too Many Refined Carbs

In fact, glucose, which is derived from refined carbohydrates like white breads, pastas, and pastries are low in fiber and can instantly increase and decrease blood sugar levels. These fluctuations can cause increased hunger and a higher likelihood of consuming unhealthy foods. One should get used to switching white foods for their whole grain counterparts so that blood sugar and hunger level remains in check and balanced.

  1. Not Drinking Enough Water

Starvation pangs and thirst are majorly associated or confused with the feeling of thirst and may lead to severe conditions like dehydration. Water intake is the best remedy to counter the feeling of hunger throughout the day as it has an added advantage of hydrating the body. For adults, try for at least sixty mL per kilogram of body weight, or at least eight glasses of fluid per day, especially if you are fit, or live in a hot climate.

  1. Skipping Meals

It is possible to eat less throughout the day if you neglect breakfast which will ultimately result in more hunger leading to excessive food intake. Consuming standard portions of food and snacks in appropriate intervals helps in managing blood sugar levels and hunger.

  1. Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep interferes with various hormones that influence our appetite levels with the levels of ghrelin (appetite stimulating hormone) rising and the levels of leptin (appetite suppressing hormone) lowering. This can only be achieved through regular quality sleep as it assists in the regulation of appetite levels.

  1. High Stress Levels

Stress produces cortisol which hormones increase appetite and provokes inclined toward high energy density foods. By managing stress it is possible to reduce stress hunger cravings by use of activities such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing among others.

  1. Physical Activity Level

Morning exercise also helps in raising your energy demands thus sets your appetite high. This is quite usual because your body requires more energy and will send signals to inform you that a meal is necessary. It is therefore necessary to consume a balanced diet that has enough calories to meet the level of physical activities performed.

  1. Eating Too Quickly

When you eat a lot at a very short time, your brain is not given enough time to signal that you are full hence never feeling so hungry after you’ve eaten. By eating slowly, you get to feel the signs of satiety and avoid the consumption of more food than necessary.

  1. Medical Conditions

Medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism and diabetes may cause one to become ravenously hungry. However, if you feel that your situation is different and the constant hunger might be due to underlying medical conditions, then you should seek further help from your physicians for proper medical intervention.

  1. Medications

It’s known that there are certain categories of medications, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and corticosteroids, which lead to appetite stimulation as a form of side effect. If you think that you are feel hungry all the time after taking your medicine then you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of having another medication prescribed or discuss the solution to the problem.

  1. Hormonal Changes

The following are hormonal factors that affect hunger: The menstrual cycle, pregnancy and other related changes in ones physiology also appear to control hunger pangs. However, applying proper dietand taking up some physical activities will help to cope with these alterations.

  1. Social and Emotional Eating

People convey they are sensitive to the stakes when eating and that eating can be influenced by social and emotional factors. Other emotional stimuli such as boredom, loneliness, being in the presence of other people or social occasions also call for eating regardless of hunger. It is therefore important to understand how social and emotions can promote duration of mindful eating.

  1. Poor Food Choices

Foods rich in sugars and unhealthy fats make a person feel hungrier than he or she was beforehand. These foods may satisfy for a while and one feels hungry after some time say in less than an hour. Selecting nutrient dense foods also assists in regulating hunger pangs since such foods are satisfying.


This article notes that having always yawning is unproductive and a nuisance to your life and health. Now, the knowledge of the reasons that lead to constant hunger can be put to good use. This may include exercising, getting proper nutrition by consuming the right foods, drinking clean water, getting enough sleep and learning how to reduce stress as these are basic parts of creating a healthy appetite. If you are still experiencing hunger that is not relieved by snacking, consult your doctor to find out whether there are health concerns contributing to your hunger and what measures should be taken. By properly mantaining your eating behaviors, it is possible to achieve improved health condition and enhanced quality of living.

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